Scumbag -- Joe Paterno says he didn't know how to handle Jerry Sandusky abuse report - ESPN

So, if you are Joe Paterno, you get to walk around as a free man with thousands, if not tens of thousands of people defending you and fighting to get your old job back.

Why? I honestly could not tell you.

If you are the average person, say, in charge of a few employees in a small shop. Say you found out from a reporting employee that they just saw another employee in a company restroom having forced sex with a pre-teen.

First, most of you would ask the idiot why thy didn't try to stop it.

Secondly, you'd call the cops. Hell, call ANYBODY. Even NAMBLA probably has standards this violates. That's right, I'll say it. Even pedophiles don't pull this crap in public. At least, if they do they sure as hell aren't getting caught doing it.

Third, you follow up on the case.

Also, fourth, you do everything in your power to no longer be responsible for the character and activities of a child rapist.

What you do NOT do is wait a couple months after it turns out you barely did ANY of the aforementioned things, is try to say you sat on your hands and did not protect children because you really weren't clear on what the policy was".

Policy. He let a scumbag in his employee physically abuse children and didn't do much about it because he wasn't clear on the policy.

That, and, oh damn, he's got cancer.

If you cannot do your job, which, let's be fair, is to develop, train, educate, and KEEP KIDS SAFE! because of your guilt cancer, then QUIT!

But first, report the incident(s) and KEEP reporting and checking to make sure another child doesn't get raped by your underling.

Don't talk to me about "poor" Joe Paterno. He's as guilty as the guy doing the acts.