For some daffy reason I can't embed this. So go watch and come back.
As a baseball fan, I always come back to this scene when Tebow comes up in conversation.
"Lord, I know I always said I would never involve you in a baseball game. Always seemed silly. You've got enough to do."
Or as the plot reads:
"God, I always said I would never bother you about baseball, Lord knows you have bigger things to worry about."
Either way, that's the Billy Chapel approach from "For Love of the Game".
Hell, that should be EVERYONE'S approach, at least on the outside.
Granted, Billy *does* ask for help on high at that moment, but only to take away some shoulder pain. No bowing, prostrating, or proselytizing.
No signature prayer move. No verses inscribed on his face.
He just did his job, and if the Almighty wanted to have a say in it, that was entirely up to him.
I'm no Pats fan in general, but that game tonight was damned entertaining to watch for the sheer comeuppance value. Tebow needed to be knocked down a peg, and so do his bandwagon fans. Not Bronco fans, Tebow fans. The Bronc fans have earned their share of hope - and misery - and they stick around despite some horrific heartbreak over the years.
The others are just looking to push a message at the expense of all else. Don't believe me? Then why the hell was Focus on the Family inserting themselves into beer and car ads?