More on Jan Brewja and her rudeness.
In short, conservatives these days are defined by people wrapping themselves in the flag, calling themselves patriots, who then do everything they can to destroy rights, oppress people, disrespect anyone who does not look like them and then call those acts "compassionate" or "American".
They are neither.
Conservative opinion makers these days write books with Old Glory taking up the cover with titles and subject matter about how America is finished, done, ruined.
Hmm. In my lifetime it has been a mostly Republican administration at the helm (Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush the Elder and Lesser come to mind). Congress is full of GOP "leaders" like Gingrich and Agent Orange. The Supreme Court has been a conservative stronghold, giving elections to people without a worry about those pesky voters and letting corporations have a pulse and a blank check to take over the country.
Drunk with power, lacking respect or shame, these folks apparently *want* America to lose. Hell, they spent time cheering us lot getting an Olympic games. Who does that? And for why? How the hell is that patriotic?
But it is never their fault when bad things happen to our nation.
Bill Maher put it best the other night:
"And this is what I want to say to them, is like stuff like this strikes me, like saying that you're threatened, Newt Gingrich calling Obama the 'food stamp President' because he took office in a recession when people were needing more food stamps. It's like calling George Bush the 'planes crashing into buildings President.'"