What we learned (or already knew) from last night's debate

I have no business watching a GOP debate so I only know what I've read. So, yeah, some of the message may be jaded.

That said, none of those folks seriously have a chance of earning my vote. A corporate raider, a lobbyist in all but name, the ick that is Santorum, Traitor Rick, and Ron the Racist. Um, no thanks.

After 8 years of Bush the Lesser and the GOP *still* has two Texans in the running? Including Bush's understudy? Wow.

Anyway, the highlights I gathered this much are that Gingrich is (still) advocating for child labor. Yes, Newt, it IS good to earn a buck and to learn the lessons of money management, savings, and responsibility. However, you do not coach it that way. You want to fire a (often union) janitorial staff, tell kids not to worry about studying or extracurricular activities, and do what is, frankly, some pretty hard work.

Oh, and probably get mocked relentlessly by your peers if not handled properly.

The lesson here really is, bust a union or two, tell kids not to worry about their dreams and get ready for a low wage job.

Oh, and got a standing ovation for telling a black moderator to basically remember his place. Nice job, Juan Williams. Are you finally figuring out that you sided with the wrong people?

Rick Perry still wants to fight the federal government. This time he wants the feds to stop trying to stop him from disenfranchising elderly voters, college age kids, and minorities. So he's either FOR mass-vaccinating little girls (which, frankly, isn't that what we already do for polio and a host of other ills?) or he is actively trying to stop people who disagree with him from voting at all.

How a secessionist is trying to win control over the whole United States and isn't laughed off the stage still amuses and befuddles me.

And people consider the Republican party a viable option in this country.