On of the more jarring things I have learned upon moving to Minnesota is that there are pockets of this state that are virulently conservative. And no, not in the fiscal "I hate paying taxes" kind of way.
I mean in the let's use the Bible to jusify hating anyone who doesn't look or act like us kind of way. You know, things you expect in the Deep South. Or Orange County.
Scumbags like this are represented by Michele Bachmann. No, I am not kidding. The kind of folks who keep her in office and on some religious crusade to bully children who might even think they are not conventionally straight. Enough to the point that they attempt suicide over the harsh words, bullying, beatings, and the willingness for adults to purposely look the other way as their neighbor's kids are abused.
Thankfully, and oh so slowly, these rotten people and their culture of fear are making national news.
This needs talked about. This needs to be stopped.
And, honestly, decent Christians need to call out these folks. This is exactly the face of religion that turn off so many from listening to what is otherwise a good message.