Federal Judge's Racist Email May Have Violated US Ethics Code | Mother Jones

A federal judge appointed by Bush the Lesser portrays Obama as the product of a gangbang session (including bestiality) of an apparent party whore.

These cretins know he was conceived by two folks married and, at the time, committed to each other. But, hey, it was a mixed race marriage so it doesn't count. You can say whatever racist, bigoted and spiteful thing about that because, well, he's black you know.

And that is where I don't think we have a chance in hell of reasoning with these kinds of people. The things that pass as jokes among this ilk increasing becomes more bitter, angry, hateful, and bigoted.

They are emboldened because enough people do not stand up to them. They get - at best - a slap on the wrist if caught. People still support them, give them a free pass.

They are losing power, numbers, and authority. And by their actions they will continue to lose respect.

When the masters of Apartheid saw the writing on the wall, they - in the main - did the best they could to pull their punches, ease restrictions and turn over their nation to folks they probably still consider subhuman. They knew their day was over and that their actions on the way out might dictate better treatment than they probably deserved. And, mostly, that did happen.

Look at our nation today and how those watching power slip from them are handling it. Makes those South African racists look like saints, don't they?