All we have of freedom, all we use or know - This our fathers bought for us long and long ago.- Rudyard Kipling, The Old Issue
So-called "Patriots" keep reminding us that "freedom isn't free", yet act like this is actually the case. They elect people who vote for weapons systems the military insists it doesn't need, that try to eliminate bio-fuel projects that would cut the ties between our nation and some of those countries who actively work to harm us. They elect leaders who appoint people who refuse to buy the weapons our forces need, who spent trillions on mercenaries with no loyalty to our nation, yet ignore the plight of those who defend our Constitution.
They reward those who refused to serve their assigned duties with the office of President, and surround him with people who "had better things to do" than serve their nation in a time of war.
They are poised to try to elect a man who had a military deferment due to his missionary service in France. I'm not going to add to that except to mention that there is no way the GOP would allow for a Democratic candidate for president go unquestioned for not serving while trying to convert Frenchman to a religion many of them see as a cult.
So yeah, tell about why "freedom isn't free" when you side with folks who do not serve in uniform, who refuse to listen to our troops when they need armored vehicles and not tilt-wing planes than crash in a slight breeze or fighters that suffocate their pilots.
Tell me about how you don't want to pay taxes yet want the most advanced military on earth. Tell me how no one in your family serves yet you fly the biggest flag in the neighborhood. Tell me how slapping a Chinese-made magnet on your SUV is patriotic and how me donating to armor and night vision goggle funds or book drives or just sending a box of Jolly Ranchers overseas isn't.
Go for it.
Or - better yet - stop the hypocrisy, serve your nation as much as you serve the almighty dollar. Don't just call yourself a patriot, walk the goddamned talk.