JFK Was An Unapologetic Liberal | New Republic

Conservatives hate kids once they are born, soldiers once they have served, and any idea that might make them rub more than a couple brain cells together.

Hell, look at the ACA. It was their idea and they hate it because it is overly complicated. That, and the whole "black guy is making it happen" thing.

But what conservatives absolutely LOVE is necrophilia.

Now I am not sure about the actual physical practice - you'd have to ask them - but putting a new suit on a corpse and making it dance their philosophical horizontal mambo is their strong suit.

The things they've done to Reagan are amazing, and he was already their zombie. That's what the do to the legacies of people they *like*.

And then there's Jesus. There's got to be a whole plethora of smiting of what they've attached his name to.

Now? Fifty years since some assclown used a Second Amendment Remedy to undo his presidency, the Right wants to embrace JFK as one of their's.

Little problem. He wasn't.

Unlike turning the Civil War into a tiny state's rights disagreement that got out of hand, the history of the South's racial discrimination as well-meaning paternalism, and attacking women, minorities, gays, kids, the elderly, et al as just "compassionate conservatism", we really shouldn't let these clowns get away with this argument.

And hopefully we don't. The tide needs to turn. Not all opinions are valid, particularly the ones that are composed out of fantasies and lies in the first place.