Dear GOP: We Can't Save You If You Won't Save Yourself - Whatever

It might be time for a bit of political tough love. The Republican party has - in part - been catering to racists and bigots for just about 50 years now. They have been staunchly anti-government for about 35 years. They've been highly anti-labor, anti-education, anti-a-lot-of-things for at least that long.

Oh, and most of their leadership either got military draft deferments or have never served, yet are fierce proponents of war over diplomacy.

And now they have a racist, xenophobic, war-mongering buffoon about to be at the top of their ticket. And they want liberals to help stop him from being their candidate.

Tell ya what. I'm gonna save my powder for a fight I want to win. I will vote against that assclown in November, like you should too if you can't stop him now.

Why? Well, one, I already caucused yesterday and part of doing so for you guys would have been to say I agree with your policies. I won't lie for you, and I won't say I am a woman-hating, anti-union bigot in public for you. That just isn't my thing.

The other reason is this: you need to know that how Trump and his ilk are branding your party is pretty much what folks have been saying for half a century. So, you know, congrats for starting to figure out you've got an image problem and that it isn't just folks trying to make you look bad.

It sucks, I know. Just think of how hard it has been to watch otherwise patriotic and moral folks live side-by-side with the scum of the earth and refuse to acknowledge it. Well, here it is in 4K high-def for all the world to see. You should have fixed this mess when it was just in Technicolor.

So do it, for ALL our sakes. But YOU do it. You built that hot mess, you mop it up. I'm gonna be over here on the sidelines pulling for you, and hoping you make, if not the right choices, at least the least odious ones. Honestly, good luck.