What to Do About Trump? The Same Thing My Grandfather Did in 1930s Vienna - Tablet Magazine

This country elected a man out to get my family.

I know, that sounds nuts, right?

But take the man at his word.

He loathes Latinos. I mean, has a huge hard-on for wanting to deport just about anyone without a fake-bake tan.

Don't blame me, just listen to the guy.

And his followers? The rabid racism? The incoherent, unintelligent, unbending spite?

They hate my mixed-race marriage. They despise my mixed race kid. Don't believe me?

Just stick around when "Loving" comes out in a few weeks. You'll see.

The hatred of science? Yeah, that's going to come up and soon.

My son is the product of love and bit of IVF help. To Trump's ilk, he's probably not even human.

So yeah, I have plenty of reasons to worry, to keep one eye open, to toe the line and be ready to go should the need arise.

ThinK I'm blowing things out of proportion? Think we have nothing to worry about on any level?

Wait, aren't you the ones willingly giving up your freedom on the miniscule chance a terrorist was gonna get you? Come back to me when you've earned some credibility.