
I used to have an old menu that let me go many levels deep. But time has moved on and DHTML stuff just doesn't like the modern age.
Below are the categories as they (mostly) existed, plus some new ones. If your link is wrong, let me know and I'll change it. Honestly, I have no clue how many of these pages are current. I try to visit and check their existence, but with the age of Facebook, most folks don't host their own stuff or update the dA sites they may have, etc. If you have something new you are proud of, let me know.
- Fossil Technology - Talon's contribution to global madness
- Stacy Whitman's LiveJournal - Stacer's private blog
- Stacy's Professional Journal - The more public, respectable page :P
Dead Letter Office - Sites that No Longer Are
Perhaps you can use the WayBack Machine for some of these. No guarantees though.
- Nana & Fabrice - Our friends Nana & Fabrice, currently in France
- Zed the Ant - Zed, currently offline
- Pope Ned's Musings - Ned, in all his glory
- Kiption's Notebook - Kiption's on and off again site
- Cin's Art 'n' Stuff - Jacinta's art gallery
- Aboun Project - Fabrice's old site
- Short Lived Fun - Jason's old band, give me new linkage, dude
- Jason Parchert - Jason played at our wedding and is out making his way in the world
- BAE Computer Support - Craig Trible's work site
- Warpehoski's - Deanna was my boss back on the boat
Political Sites
- Democratic Underground
- One Good Move
- Crooks and Liars
- Media Matters
- DubyaD40
- Bloggerman
Columnists/Bloggers of Note
- I, Cringely - technology commentary
- Paul Krugman - economics, archived
- Jim Rapoza - techonology, E-Week
- Daniel Keys Moran - author
- Lawrence Lessig - lawyer/author/technology guru
- Molly Ivins - deceased, January 31, 2007