Well, we are packing up our stuff and and progressively realizing that we have a lot of it.
As for today's title, some county deputies popped into my building last week to serve me a subpeona about a case I very, VERY marginally was involved in a couple years back. Basically, as is an ongoing thread at this university, the occasional odd professor here likes to use lots of bandwidth to download his smut. Yes, I have probably created some liability by saying that and also violated the "Oklahoma Loyalty Oath" they made me sign before starting to work here. Yes, I'm miffed about this too.
Thus far, the district attorney's office does not seem to care that my input is horribly minimal or that I will be moving soon.
Tomorrow, we attempt to call someone with authority at the Shilo Institute for Customer Disservice. We sent a letter last week. Hopefully the gal we wrote will be the first decent managerial type we've dealt with thus far.