Would you like tartar sauce with that McChicken?

Well, I'm probably gonna have to post a special rant on the Message Board to even cover all the stuff we have run into over the past week. Concerning the page title, that's a whole long story. As for this entry title, absolutely avoid the McDonalds in Colby, KS if you value your digestive tract.

We did manage to have a good time and meet interesting people and travel to some really fun places. It is just the horrifically stupid imbeciles we dealt with along the way that I am now taking to time to laugh at...now that its over. Point yourself over to the Rant section of the message board if you want to know more about our adventures.

For your entertainment value, an odd page about the sounds you see in comic strips. Also, a link to the most demented system technicians alive (I forgot to link it before we left).