I've never been more proud of Oklahoma

The story originally starts here, with PETA wanting the town of Slaughterville to change its name to Veggieville. I kid you not. Anyway, the town voted against such ridiculousness (the town is named after a family, not an action anyway), thus hopefully saving other towns similar attacks of stupidity.

Wondered what the Internet actually is? This article details one view which I find to be about accurate.

I'd like to point out that the family of 1LT Chris Dougherty have started a Yahoo group for those from the Galva area who have family and friends already stationed or on their way to the Middle East. Sign up if you are amongst that group of people.

From Slate, a story on the problems on getting armored Humvees to Iraq and Afghanistan. Memo to the administration: Seriously, quit overpaying Halliburton for a moment and fix this problem.

The RIAA is being sued for exterior and racketeering by those who consider their methods to be similar to mob protection rackets. I doubt the suit will go far but its nice to see recognition of the trend. If all businesses sued people who didn't buy their product because it was garbage, we'd have a lot more lawsuits than we do today.

An article on how the president has become a reluctant peacenik of his own devising. And one that accuses the administration of tweaking scientific data to meet its agenda.

Over the weekend I'll try to get some of our Grand Canyon trip pictures up. In the meantime, I have a few of Tom and the unit from the Galva News on the new Photo Gallery database I'm trying to get up and running.