Since when did St. Valentine become a demon?

In following with yesterday's story about Hindus planning to beat people up who commemorate Valentine's Day, this story is a similar announcement for Muslims to ignore the holiday as well. Since when did expressing warm feelings become a call to trample over other societies? Wait, it hasn't. They're just paranoid.

In what is a more appropriate way to express your religion, there is a story about NASCAR and how it has had to deal with religious expression in their sport. I think they've done a decent job of it overall. Too bad its all going to get politicized starting this weekend.

Here's hoping that - at the least - this idiot gets a nice lifetime sentence at Ft. Leavenworth. Personally, I'm all for finding him guilty and finding the nearest tree, but that's just me.

Speaking of military issues, I was ignoring this whole Bush and the Air Guard thing, but then he started making it an attack on the Guard itself, not his possible dereliction of duty. That's just wrong. When you are being accused of something, be man (or woman) enough to take the heat without putting someone else in the cross-hairs. I figure most of you have enough moral fiber to understand that position. That's why our parents should be proud of us. That said, Slate has a take on the whole issue.

I find it strange that I am reading Andrew Sullivan and actually agree with some of his posts lately. It would be nice to think that after this election is over, we can stop bickering long enough to work on the problems we all agree on. Dare to dream