The genuises over at the GOP have decided the best way to get out the vote is so send out pop-up advertising while you surf the net. The prospect has sure encouraged me to vote against them. How about you? Do you like being irritated by people who want your support? If so, I'd see if your health insurance covers a psych evaluation. I got the story from Slashdot, who also link you to a story on how to check on your neighbor's political contributions. Kinda creepy but I know a few of you are just that bored.
In any case, I refer you again to Jim Rapoza's story about the stupidity of pop-up ads and point you to the Mozilla and Firefox download pages so you can finally get a browser that stops ads from getting to you in the first place.
Our GOP buddies have been probably successful with our less intelligent citizens in painting anyone against their lying reasons to go to war as unpatriotic and possibly treasonous. So, if you are one of those I just offended, please explain why is the widow of a fallen soldier not falling into line in blind obedience and awe to the Big Lie? Because she's right, that's why.
Our pals the French are cozying up to Saddam again. At least one of their more insidious lawyers. Let's be honest though; his call was probably only minutes ahead of Johnny Cochran's.
You want to know why the Israelis still marginally hold the moral high ground in their fight against their own local bomb throwers? This is why.
Watch how fast I stop using Travelocity. Did ya miss it? Want to know why? Read on. Granted, probably all the travel agencies are going to do this, but I'll at least I only know about this situation at the moment.