Don't have too much to pass along really. The news has been really depressing to be quite honest and I'm sure most of you are aware of that.
Here's a student who is long overdue for his class.
Oh, and all that crap about file-sharing causing a decline in music sales? A lie. Its all about the lousy songs if anything. Not that this is the first time anyone has said that.
Hmm, what else? Oh, a pattern of behavior from the Bush administration. Funny how they are always right and everyone else is either: a) evil, b) a "flip-flopper", or c) unpatriotic. When I was a kid, irrational behavior like that usually got my backside tanned. For good reason I might add.
Further describing our leadership with the business model of a spoiled four year old, I have collected a series of Boondocks cartoons that made me chuckle recently.
Finally, this cover from The Economist is a few weeks old, but still is a pretty good concept for elections in the next few years; or so I think.