Suffer the children

Apparently people still fear their bodies. In Crawford, TX the local cave-dwellers have decided to yank their daughters out of the Girl Scouts because of that horrible social blight - education. Hi, welcome to the twenty-first century. Leave your baggage at the door please.

As McDonalds prepares to phase out super-sizing, Slate offers a story on how darn near everything has gotten bigger over the past few years.

Our slightly more paranoid citizens have websites too. Sometimes they come across an actual thing to be concerned about. Apparently the government is keeping track of where our dollars go. Our $20 bills to be specific. And no, this isn't just a John Ashcroft fantasy come true. Our pals in Europe have loaded up their Euros with tracking devices as well. (Note: I know the rest of both sites are beyond outlandish; its better just to stick to the individual stories.)

I like to let you know on occasion that while Martha Stewart is probably going to get away with insider trading, sometimes the legal gurus get it right. Case in point: this jerk is spending 30 months in federal prison for redirecting kids to porn sites.