Grave robbers, preaching teachers, and a quiet thoughtful voice

Well, we've got an administration running for re-election that: a) pimps off of the deaths of thousands, b) screws its troops on gear (seriously, ask any soldier how much they've spent on goggles, night vision, and the like), and then tries to silence any dissent on the public airwaves. And that's the good news. William Saletan and Joe Klein weigh in on the campaign (another by Saletan here). You'll hear some hatchet men from the GOP call Kerry a Boston Brahmin as the year goes on; here is what that means and why he isn't.

The high price of gasoline - by necessity or design - is having an impact on auto sales. Check the story here. Incidentally, we are paying about $2.10 a gallon here in Nevada. Hope its not as bad where you are.

In school news, we are leaving no child behind by using duct tape. Another teacher tries to force feed their "morals" to students by: presenting an R-rated movie, illegally obtained, with religious overtones in a public school setting. And what lessons exactly were to be gained by this? At least the school lunches will be healthier.

Two views from Vegas. One comical, the other poignant. First, we have a report from a visit to the Gun Store, a little shop a couple miles down the road from us. Next, regardless of where you stand on the gay marriage debate, take a moment to read this article from a local reporter. She explains, in terms no one has taken the time to use, what she and others are actually fighting for when it comes to civil rights. I offer it not to change anyone's mind but to give you a non-politicized, individual look at the issue.