In case you haven't heard, salad is bad for you, but coffee isn't. At least, according to those stories. In a slightly related story, we have 14th century product placement.
>Technology boons and banes. Our first story is about a Navy instant messaging project that translates on the fly. You want to bring the world together? Get it to where we can chat without barriers. The next story concerns the falling out of encyclopedia usage with the advent of the Internet. I feel we may have lost something there.
Some bozo in Hollywood wants to make it an automatic R-rating for any movie portraying smoking. Apparently drinking alcohol is just fine with him even though it causes far more problems. Also from California, because Britney Spears needs to do something now that she is musically irrelevant, the state wants to lower the voting age to 14.
This just cracks me up. And this ain't non-funny either (the March 10th image).
Evil Ned passed along some images today and I am going to share one just because I haven't gotten any argumentative mail in awhile. I figure a healthy political discussion is just what this country needs right now and why not start at home?
I mean, isn't this what all those flag-waving, profiting-from-civilian-deaths ads are telling us?
For clarification's sake, this is an actual bumper sticker you can buy at CafePress.
Clarification: To wrap up the day, I provide a cautionary tale. I posted on the Galva Guard Yahoo group about my call with Tom on Sunday. Some of that info made it into a Star Courier article a tad out of context. Tom travelled with the advance team to Kuwait and may have had different flight routes, departure/arrival times and experiences on his way there from Fort Polk and I apologize for possibly misleading anyone because of that story. I was just advising a small group of people of a single call, not expecting to be front page news. I don't necessarily mind, but I wanted to be sure folks knew where I stood on the info I pass along. It was a snapshot of my brother's life and not a blanket statement on anything I knew (or didn't know in this case) about the rest of the unit.