Must be nice

Everyone makes a mistake from time to time. Its human nature to err on occasion. That is, unless you are the egotistical, power hungry fool who just happens to run this country.

Apparently George Bush doesn't think he's made any mistakes in relation to the war in Iraq. That's pretty much what I gathered from his press conference yesterday. The worst part? The part where he keeps harping about this supposed "Coalition of the Willing" there to help me out. I'm not going to respond to this other than to quote Dave Clarke from the Kewanee Star Courier who posted the following tidbit on a sidebar in today's(?) paper (thanks to Jim Doherty at the Galva-Kewanee Armed Services Yahoo Group for the text):


"The Galva National Guard Unit has more troops in Iraq than 12 foreign countries among the 34 listed in the 'Coalition of the Willing'. Battery F of the 202nd Air Defense Artillery, has 120 soldiers now stationed near Baghdad while, as of March, Lithuania was listed in official sources as having 118 troops, Slovakia 102, the Czech Republic and the Phillipines, both 80, Albania and Georgia, each 70, New Zealand 61, Moldova 50, Macedonia 37, Estonia and Canada, 31 each and Kazakhstan 25.

"The United States has approximately 130,000 troops stationed in Iraq. Galva, Illinois has a population of 2,700 people. The Galva Guard Unit is made up of soldiers from the surrounding rural communities."

Now let's be clear here. The Star Courier is not a radical paper. It is the local news for what is a fairly conservative farming area in the MidWest. If the editor of such a paper takes the time to use facts to question this grand coalition we keep getting told is behind our troops, then shouldn't we all continue to press the issue as to the parameters and mission scope our armed forces are being told they are operating under? They, of course, will do their jobs; our's is to make sure their lives and service are being used truthfully, honorably, and without negligence or malice from our government. I have yet to be convinced of any of that.

What's funny is that his re-election campaign is scaling back the ad blitz with the conclusion from strategist Matthew Dowd that, "The two things voters know about Kerry today more than anything else is that he's a flip-flopper and he's going to raise your taxes." I don't know anything about that, but I'm pretty sure his guy is a liar and is trying to kill my brother. And I didn't even need a political ad to tell me that.

Not all is negative on this post. I will quickly end with vodka-flavored ice cream, Peeps, and the Brit that reminded us all last week why Las Vegas actually exists. Good for him, I say.