Maybe Al-Jazeera is as "Fair and Balanced" as FOXNews

The big news is about prisoner mistreatment in Iraq, as detailed here and in many, many other news venues. While I agree that surrendering troops need to be treated well and those responsible for abuses need to be probably court martialed, stripped of rank, and likely flogged themselves; let's take a step back here for a second. I find it ironic that many of the same regional news agencies screaming for blood on this issue were the same ones gleefully showing mobs killing, kicking, then hanging corpses from a bridge in Fallujah and presenting that as a good thing. Wrong is wrong and you need to show it all across the board. That goes for our media too.

By way of comparison , here's a prisoner I have little but contempt for. I figure any child abuser, much less one that sexually assaults children, has a very narrow scope in which they can appeal to society's feelings. Not even a crocodile tear for this situation.

This kid needs a medal or something. I don't even know what I'd do in that situation.

For comedic purposes only (hopefully): a look at the secret Bush campaign strategy. From Maxim, just so you know what you're getting into.

You want to know what's wrong with the legal system in this country? Read this guy's sad story.

ESPN has hired John Kruk to do an article for them, mostly focusing on baseball I presume. I was real skeptical going into this but he writes really well. Take a look at his latest comment and go back through his past couple articles as well.