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First off, Moreover is probably killing the newsfeed access in the near future. They want to move everyone over to an ad-based service. I have no clue if an ad-free alternative is available, but I'll try to find it. Too bad as I've mostly enjoyed the experience with Moreover; but I am not about to insult your intelligence - or mine - by hocking goods for some corporate stooges for free.

A few anti-GOP rants to pass along. First off, that idiot O'Reilly at FOXNews is trying to start a culture war with Canada. Only he could piss off everyone he's trying to make a viewer of. Another useless pile of dung, Michael Savage, managed to motivate this guy (article is obscene but worth reading for poignant points plus humor value). Want to know why conservatives are dangerous to the rest of us? Read that article. My favorite part? The "thug liberal" tag. Wear it proud folks.

Good lord, what else? Oh yeah, if you are one of those misbegotten souls who dared oppose our invasion of Iraq, you may already know you have been labelled a "traitor", are "unpatriotic" and "not behind our troops." Did you also know you are a racist? That's what the president thinks anyway. Not sure where they cook this stuff up.

Salon carries the story of Joseph Wilson (you may have to endure an ad via the Free Day Pass to read it). Best quote?

"Q: What's the difference in the GOP from when you were growing up?

A: If you're fiscally responsible, this is not your party. If you believe in a moderate foreign policy characterized by alliances, free trade and the ability to operate in an international environment, this is not your party. If you believe in limited federal government, this is not your party. If you believe that the government should stay out of your bedroom, this is very definitely not your party. In fact, I would argue that unless you believe in the American imperium, imposed on the world by force, or unless you believe in the literal interpretation of the Book of Revelations, this is not your party."

You may have missed Sen. Frank Lautenberg's statement last week. I provide you a quick synopsis, a link to the full text and that wonderful Chickenhawk graphic. Seriously, take the time to read the whole statement. Also, a timely Mark Fiore cartoon for ya.

Bible quiz for ya. One thing I learned from taking it: liberal is mentioned in the Bible; conservative is not. Go chew on that one for awhile. Natch.

Hmm, that's it for this entry.