Saying you're sorry is a terrorist plot

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From the "Saying everything but what they want to hear" department, Bush went on Arab TV to acknowledge that, yes, some of our MPs are dirtbags, but he's not going to apologize, much less take responsibility, for any of that mess. For all his obvious faults, even Rumsfeld did that. Slate also covers how we are letting the president get away with being stupid.

You don't have to be intelligent to vote Democratic, but it obviously helps. Thanks to Raziel in the UK for bringing that to our attention. Hopefully intelligence will overcome bombast, false patriotism, and a culture of fear this fall.

Speaking of the current administration, GQ covers the sad, sorry fate of Colin Powell. You almost have to feel sorry for the guy, though he should have known what he was getting into.

So, we still make cars here right? After the news from Oldsmobile and Ford, I'm beginning to wonder.

On a vaguely current culture aspect, I picked up Smile Empty Soul's CD the other day and was struck by the lyrics of "This is War." If I get enough calls for it, I may even put up an .mp3 of it, though I doubt the RIAA would be very pleased if I did. Maybe I can get the band's permission.