Two children left behind

The Bush clan has decided to not attend the graduations of the First Drinkers (Jenna and Barbara to the rest of ya) "in order to avoid disruptions for families of the other graduates." So wait a minute...we are going to let them get away with ignoring a chance to praise education and family values in an actual non-politicized setting on the premise of respecting families when there are 700+ families dealing with the deaths of their loved ones because W didn't give one iota of concern for them? That's straight hypocrisy folks. Vote accordingly.

Speaking of quality education, let's try to make sure these kinds of idiots are not allowed to develop our youth.

Not that I really give a damn what he thinks, but Michael Moore is being censored by Disney. I figure that every crackpot, be it morons like Limbaugh or not-quite-truthful propagandists like Moore, has a constitutional right to their opinions. Too bad corporations and our government feel differently.

Oh, continuing with fascist pigs, the RIAA types conveniently forgot how to find musicians like David Bowie and Dolly Parton to send them checks they earned. Maybe they were too busy suing grandmas. Happy Mother's Day. In other law and order type news, Oregon inmates get to have flat screen TVs in their cells. Seriously, isn't jail supposed to be punishment?

A few last notes concerning a miracle survival, a glimpse at Olympic concerns, and - via EvilNed - how to find a Singapore bathroom.