There's a lot of talk (and at least one ad) equating Bush with Reagan. I'll skip over the blatant conspiracy theories about the Bush family being involved with the Hinckley's and let Reagan's son and various other pundits discredit that notion. Indeed, one has found another president Bush is more like. Other than Hoover of course.
Did you know? Over 82 million of us went without medical insurance at some point over the past two years. Guess that's going to just be written off by some compassionate conservative phrase like "the poor must have deserved it" or some such crap.
What else? Oh, yes, we still have segregation laws on the books in the southern states. Frankly, this doesn't surprise me unfortunately. Meanwhile, rappers can run around our jails are tape videos without fear of being caught. Though we can sink to the level of those we are fighting in Iraq and actual hide the fact we hold some prisoners. Nothing like giving psychotic terrorists more possible reasons to justify harming our soldiers. Who's driving this bus anyway? And can we please try to play cause-and-effect once in awhile?
Flying in the face of the 9-11 Commission he had to be forced to allow in the first place, the research involved by said committee is unconvincing to the president. He swears that the already flawed intel he led us into war on is still valid when it comes to a Saddam-Al Qaeda connection. Somewhere I'm sure someone is collecting data on a Saddam-Bush connection based on all the meetings his administration had in the past with the guy. Should one come up, I'll link it just to show you how ridiculous this line of argument is.
Last week, some nitwit bowled over a 4-year old to catch a fly ball. He was eventually shamed into giving the ball to the kid - three days later. Just wanted to share human stupidity to you in it's finest.
But hey, for all my doom and gloom, at least we don't all live in Cambodia.