A smile on my face

Granted, it is small fries (more on that in a sec) compared to the major problems in the world, but I sat and enjoyed the Pistons whupping the daylights out of the Lakers tonight to win the NBA Championship 100-87. Considering you have a suspected rapist (Bryant), an egotistical thug (O'Neal), and a horse's *ss mercenary (Malone) sitting on the losing bench, it couldn't have ended any better as far as I'm concerned.

Remember when the government tried to make ketchup a vegetable in the '80s? Well, they are at it again. This time its frozen fries being labelled "fresh vegetables." (Use Membername: lvtribune and Password: lvtribune) Oh, in case you missed it - I did - salsa has been a vegetable since 1998. Bonus article that takes the idea seriously.

For the record, if you get as annoyed with those newspaper registrations as I do, go to BugMeNot and type in the URL of where you want to read the stories. Or just use the generic ones I occasionally give to ya.

Other health type news: growing up bilingual keeps your mind sharp as you grow older. Now I find out.

Recent historical date ridiculed here and here. And yes, OJ still got away with murder.

Speaking of kooks, some Branch Davidians still remain.

One fun thing and an interesting slice of life from Baghdad. The first is what you get for a Yahoo search for "incompetent" (check the third entry). The second is a story concerning Baghdad mailmen.