Stinks like hypocrisy

*NOTE: The 4-5 ADA site has listed the Galva Guard subsite as the main link for Foxtrot Battery. While I am honored at the attention, it has brought heat down on Tom because - go figure - the powers that be do not approve of the politicized nature of this page and others on the domain. Look, I do not speak for my brother, his unit, or the Family Readiness Group in Galva. I have never implied nor intended that message to come across. I have also done my utmost best to keep anything of a blatant politicized message off the Galva Guard part of the site.

To those in charge, please respect my right to an opinion, my attempts at conforming to the better nature and presentation of the subsite, and to the integrity of the information I pass along within that part of the site. I pay for this, I work hard at it, and have always tried to keep the lines between this and the Galva Guard part distinct and unblurred. Plus, if you could, if you have a problem with me, kindly send me an email regarding your complaint. Thank you.

Now back to the regularly scheduled ranting and raving....

We start off with "Things You Have to Believe to be a Republican". Not too far off base actually for a partisan write-up. Here's a story on how Cheney tries to play up the concept of Bin Laden as a Democrat. And who bought him his first Stinger missile, Mr. Wizard?

Continuing with the whole Reagan thing. Some - a few of you anyway - have asked for a less-than-fanboy approach to his passing and legacy. You can find that here. I also provide the more extreme version, in both censored and non- flavors. Seriously though, don't even link to those if you just want to let bygones be bygones.

I said the other day I wouldn't comment much on it myself but it was a reader-requested subject; which I do try to acknowledge and act on. If you don't like it, counter the requests or suggest other content yourself.

In another vein, this whole move to put him on the $10 bill needs to be stopped. Read more about it and weigh in over at Doonesbury. And let's put the kibbosh on the whole Mt. Rushmore thing too please.

Paris is trying to ban SUVs. Now, the knee-jerk reaction here is to call it another French oddity. But, I think there's something to this. Why ruin your century's old city at the expense of someone's conspicuous consumption. If we can ban cell phone use in cars as a road hazard, surely we can attribute the same to a monstrosity on a narrow city street.

Wrapping up a story covered a long time ago: an Oklahoma court has decided that a Muslim girl can wear her headscarf to school. Good for them. Let's remember that we are allowed to be different in this country folks.

In another story by Ellis, involving the dangers of hosting a website. I haven't seen his kind of traffic yet, but wouldn't be too surprised if it happened someday.

Slate covers the passing of Ray Charles. To be honest, that death affected me a tad more where it counts than the other major passing this week.

More collected Boondocks coming this week. Tom has some pictures on the way that I'll hope to get up for ya. And a shout out to Mooney and his pal. Glad you are enjoying the show.