Really nasty conservatives

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Well, the Republican National Convention is about to start this week in NYC. They've come in guns blazing. Not content to just attempt to pimp and politicize 9/11 for their own gain, they've also planned to leech onto the legacy of Johnny Cash with an auction planned at Sotheby's. Yeah, there are people who seriously object to that.

And, as expected, the protestors are out trying to let Bush know that not everyone is on board his "let's burn the Constitution and get rich off the blood of our soldiers" platform. And of course, some of these protestors are ill-mannered and probably kooky in your eyes. Hell, I probably would agree with you. Then again, most conservatives don't like the KKK but vote the same as those freaks do too.

Bonus convention stat: The GOP is touting a 70% increase in minority representation! That's like saying my amount of Canadian currency doubled when I found a Canuck quarter on the ground this week. It jumped so high because I had so little of it to begin with.

Still trying to figure out what their platform is about but currently, if you plan to vote GOP, you are in favor of:
- drilling in ANWAR because we have no other fuel plan other than petroleum

- giving the rich a permanent tax cut

- messing with the Constitution due to fear of gays (so much for strict constitutionalism)

- "alternative methods of teacher certifications" - whatever that is, but remember this party equates teachers as terrorists

- stem cell research restrictions, and other scientific research restricted across many fields

- no abortion and likely the restriction of birth control as well

- teaching abstinence at the expense of teaching kids sex ed, not as a supplement

- trying to disbar judges who don't think like they do

- and so on and on: less civil liberties, less freedom of choice, less equality of sex and race and pretty much anything that is diffferent than a Jesse Helms/David Duke type

If this is compassionate conservatism, can we just have the mean, rude guys who just wanted to protect their bank accounts back? At least they had a point to their arguments.

Meanwhile, Kerry wants to debate Bush every week. You just know that isn't gonna happen. The economy is officially sluggish again despite Bush's words to the contrary, with a record deficit projected. And American workers are still getting the shaft. Meanwhile Democrats are trying to look out for our Guardsmen and Reservists. Yeah, it stinks like a political ploy, but it beats being ignored by the GOP.

A few views from the Olympics as that wraps up. Finding more important things to do than be labelled a murderer, Colin Powell decided to leave Greece early. Our moronic basketball team salvaged a bronze medal. They deserved less to be honest with you. And one more article about our countrymen in Greece. Reuters has a nice "best performances" article that, from what I saw, is pretty dead on.

One more thing. Since, we're all in this spirit of brotherhood at the moment, why don't we as a nation strip our basketball bronze medals from the NBA all-duds squad and give them to the Iraqis for really knowing how to play your hardest and come just short of unexpected success.

Good news from Iran, where fat boy Muqtada Al-Sadr took his daddy's army and his sizable misplaced ego and left the Iman Ali mosque the other day. Seriously, can we just - in writing - get a UN resolution that condemns anyone who holes up in a church and holds a holy site hostage because they have no other way of establishing a credible threat? First those morons in Bethlehem a couple years ago, and now these idiots. (Edit: Just for fairness sake, I guess we should count the Alamo in there too.)

A few more passing notes. Peoria journalist ponders sending an Illinois Republican to Maryland to run for major office there. Reprehensible behavior by us and those who hate us. Stupid planning by Microsoft. And, just to remind you how conservatives like to control your private lives, Banned Books Week is coming next month and I wanted to let you in on why reading is so damaging to our society. Don't let Harry Potter and Huck Finn destroy democracy. HA!