This is news I don't like to report, but when you hear Cheney's scare tactics on the TV, imagine what these goons have already done with almost four years under their belts. A thousand dead soldiers in Iraq and a polarized nation here at home. I don't think even sick amusement should let us give them more time to screw us over collectively.
You know, I've probably been a bit harsh with our Republican visitors of late. I owe you guys and gals an apology for not making a clearer distinction. Those of you who don't like big government programs and are worried about your pocketbooks have my mea culpa. I don't like the fact you ignore the needs of your fellow citizens, but that's something we can have an educated debate about. One we'd probably come to some agreements about as well. Well, kinda.
That said, please take the next 50-odd days to decide whether our current administration appeals to your needs as it trashes the Constitution and squanders our soldier's lives based on either faulty intel or just outright lies...take your pick. Don't just knee-jerk pull the GOP lever just because you are worried about some fantastical bogey-man Karl Rove conjured up. I'm not asking you to vote for Kerry outright, I am merely asking for you to measure the consequences of your actions and act accordingly. I haven't seen your agenda aided any more than my personal one over the past few years so I figured I'd put that out there...just in case you wanted to take your party back from the fringe elements you've got. Consider this your version of the '60s. Step up to the plate kids.
Speaking of not believing the hype, I want to re-evaluate the "who is the flip-flopper" syndrome. After the laughable "I'm a war president, WAIT, I'm a PEACE president" exchange awhile back, I figure Bush couldn't top that. I was wrong there too. Apparently we cannot win the War on Terror...WAIT!!! Yes we can. Finish what you started, bub. A plan would be nice too.
Slate has a slew of coverage related to the RNC. After watching Zell Miller's rant and the John McCain "I'm not a sellout, I just REALLY want to be president someday" speeches, I resorted to reading transcripts for a couple days. (Bonus hypocritical moment by Bob Dole.) Besides, I just really don't want to hear Mushmouth's voice more than I possibly need to; the upcoming debates being a few of those moments. Another Slate article by William Saletan that asks the question, "Isn't anyone going to actually pin some of these failures on Bush?" Seriously, the guy runs around pretending like nothing is ever his fault. He needs to be called on it. Before November would be nice.
Probably not news to most of you but I just heard a new term to describe those who think disagreeing with the junta-in-charge is un-American: Patriotically Correct. Which is just a nicer way of saying "We'd all be English if dissent were illegal." But it's better than calling them witch hunters or something.
Speaking of those who would silence those who dare oppose the New World Order II, here is a fine upstanding Republican woman literally silencing opposition, and one moron who kicked a protestor while she was on the ground detained by the Secret Service. Yeah, real nice people. Not to mention those who mock anyone who ever earned a Purple Heart.
News flash (not really). Apparently George was still snorting blow well into his daddy's presidency. He did it to relate to women. Huh? Granted, Kitty Kelley is not what you'd call an objective historian or anything, but hell, it's got to have more truth than what the Swift Boat goons are selling.
In Texas, the entire state educational system is getting left behind. Wait, didn't this bright idea get conjured up by Texans in the first place? And apparently, Bush is touting his economic policies as good for workers. On. What. Freaking. Planet?
This I just get sick joy from. A real big wish would mean the Yankees wouldn't even make the playoffs. Maybe in a couple more years.
And this story I've been waiting to be able to post for awhile. It's a story about plastic chairs. Really. Read it anyway.