First off, best wishes to Lucas Seimers and the others injured in yesterday's attack. Sorry, short on info here and I want the news to get around to the family members first. Let's hope Irish treats you guys better than this in the long run. Keep hope alive guys.
As many of you know, I've been back in Illinois for the past few days visiting Tom while he's on leave. Got to spend some good quality time with him and have visited some familiar faces and gotten to meet some new ones.
One of the latter is Jim Doherty. You know him from the Galva Armed Services Yahoo group and we've emailed and spoken by phone before. Incidentally, Jim makes fantastic ribs, among with other foods. Really. Jim has oh-so-indelicately applied a boot to my backside and reminded me we only have a few more weeks to convince you, our readers, that we can grab our country back from pseudo-religious oil money thugs and their plan to burn up the Constitution. More from Jim later. Trust me, you'll enjoy it.
Alright, so I've been running into a lot of people who can't decide who to vote for this fall. They can't bring themselves to vote for Bush for all the obvious reasons but don't know what to think about Kerry. Which, judging by the TV ads they get here, I'm not surprised. I mean, damn, someone ought to call the DNC and focus some error correcting this way.
Anyways, let's make this a little easier and address these issues one at a time. My first issue, and its a big one, is this notion that Bush is a fine Christian fellow. Alright, let me break the bad news to you in the worst way possible. If you vote for Bush, you are giving a nuclear arsenal to a substance abuser. Not a recovering drunk or coke snorter, but an active breathing user in denial. How can I say this? Easy. The guy has no method for admitting fault and then working to correct any mistakes he may make. Had he been through an actual 12 step program, he'd know humility, responsibility, and remorse. NONE of these are evident in his behavior or in his reactions to events. Congratulations, this is akin to letting your children be schooled by a crack addict. Vote for that? Never.
Aside from that, this whole hateful approach to dealing with other religions (seriously, how many Muslims actually think Bush is working in their favor?) and other peoples (if you aren't white, you aren't part of the equation and I haven't seen anything that tells me differently) is definitively NOT part of what I'd call a healthy Christian agenda. The guy says he's pro-life and people are crazy enough to jump on his bandwagon and ignore the disdain for women's right (including taking the pill) and ah, heck, you get the idea. Seriously folks, its a bad choice. Bad for religion, bad for the country. (If you want links, I'll find some when I get better than a modem connection.)
Send me some questions you might want answered or issues to address. I'm not a policy expert or working for the Kerry campaign, but I'll try to find out what info you guys might want to know. Let's have a serious discussion on these things.
I have a few articles to pass along but that may wait until later days. For now, some partisan (what WAS he drinking) and humorous links from Jim Doherty, wrapping up with a horrible-but-probably-accurate image send by EvilNed.