Bush & Cheney may have tanked the economy, led 1,000+ troops to their deaths in an ill-conceived war, taken away your job and health care, poisoned the environment, taken a leak on the Bill of Rights and Constitution with their pet dog Ashcroft, etc. ad nauseum, but it's okay. Take heart fellow citizens, because when a terrorist finally finds a nuclear weapon to detonate in an American city because our administration keeps pissing off the world, good ol' Dick Cheney will be hiding in an undisclosed location ready to kick the butts of the "evil doers." That was I learned from tonight's debate.
Granted, the Heart Attack in the Wings did put on a better show than his meat puppet did Thursday, but this whole reign of fear stuff has got to go. Seriously, if you are gullible enough to vote for these guys because they tell you horror stories that keep you up at night, you seriously need to grow up and look around at the mess they have made.
That said, Edwards got his digs in and stood up to a dinosaur in political circles and made him stumble a couple times. Considering the long odds going in, you have to call that a win, albeit a squeaker.
From EvilNed, what Bush was doodling during the debate (Offensive material warning).
Back to Iraq, both Bremer and Rumsfeld have countered the Administration's "we're all going by the same playbook, even if it's wrong" strategy. Sure, they'll try to recant a bit, but they didn't say these things without some reason. Meanwhile, another death to place at Bush's feet. Not that he cares.
The companion of fear is hate, and the administration hasn't done a whole lot to stop hatemongers from spinning their lies either. The Council on American-Islamic Relations has released the results of a poll showing that 1 in 4 Americans hold a negative view of Islam. From the day Bush called the War on Terror a "crusade" on 'til now, the White House has done little to educate Americans nor Arabs about each other and about how this is NOT an intra-religious conflict. Kerry, take note, as this will be key should you become president.
And in the worst news of the day, pause for a moment of silence for the passing of Rodney Dangerfield.