Forgot to link this earlier. If you are 35 and under, the New Voters Project wants you to decide what youth-related questions to ask Bush and Kerry.
Bush came off like a gomer during the debate. Only a few morons like Bob Novak (who is a cretin) and the Bush campaign (who has to say this) think he actually won the debate. Hopefully the next couple follow the same line. At least Kerry showed up and did what he had to do; and much more skillfully than many of us would have guessed.
Then again, Bush is out lying and mis-stating Kerry at every turn. Most obvious is attacking the concept of a "global test" for any pre-emptive strike. Bush thinks this means we have to check in with Paris every time we want to launch a military attack. Which, given his limited scope of "send troops to do what I never would" it is easy to confuse that with actually proving to your citizens and the world that a threat actually exists. Case in point: Iraq.
Here's a gem I've found hilarious: "I've never seen a meeting that would depose a tyrant or bring a terrorist to justice. ... I will never submit America's security to an international test."
So says Bush when commenting on Kerry's call for an international summit about Iraq. Apparently, ol' George never read about any of the Big Three summits during World War II in which such disparate personalities as FDR, Churchill and Stalin set aside their differences long enough to take out a certain tyrant named Hitler. Sure, that never worked at all. As for the latter part of the quote, Kerry, in the debate and on many previous occasions, has always stated he would never subject the national security of the United States to a foreign body. The GOP just can't stop their boy from lying about his opponent instead of attempting to find some credibility to run on. And don't even start me on the whole "the Taliban is gone" thing. Who do you think we're still fighting in Afghanistan?
Basically, George is either lying out his butt again or scrambling for foothold. Either way, he's definitely not laying out any positive agenda on what he would do. Then again, we've had four years to find that out - and none of that is positive news. Hopefully Edwards can put Cheney's feet to the fire on all the corruption and in-attention to true homeland security this administration has fostered over their term.
Thanks to EvilNed for this one. GOP-TV, err FOXNews, forgot to censor themselves before posting this story yesterday. They have since replaced it with this sorry excuse of an explanation. But hey, it's not just them. Here's more on the "liberals are gonna burn yer Bibles" crap. And hey, apparently most of you voting for Bush don't even have a clue where he stands on foreign policy. Real smart decision making kids. And hey, it seems the White House may have had a hand in PM Allawi's speech last week. Way to let the guy think for himself. Bonus new article concerning the Bush White House purposely using known bad intelligence about Iraq's weapons programs. Joy.
And then there's Tom Delay. Scandal ridden, ethically challenged, hateful, anti-democracy thug that he is, has had a busy couple years. And now he's playing politics with an intelligence reform bill. Just another sign of the corruption in the Republican party. Clean your house out, GOP supporters.
I don't have a need to refer to Arianna Huffington much, but this article was well written and didn't seem to come from the logic of Planet X. Give it a read. Also, a followup on the Bill O'Reilly "my viewers are smarter than the Daily Show's" crap. Apparently the Daily Show viewers are more informed than Letterman and Leno's viewers as well. Bonus: Bush's flip-flops, courtesy of CBS.
A couple things from the debate and all these polls. If a majority of people think the country is moving in the wrong direction, why are some of them still voting for Bush? Get an answer for that, find a way to change their minds, and you just might have the election in the bag for Kerry.