Link Blitz (or "Troops stuck in Al-Qaqaa" says Rudy G.)

About to go out of town for a couple days and will be in New Mexico next week so I am gonna run a whole bunch of link by you for some weekend reading. Enjoy.

Corruption abounds in the White House as a Halliburton probe shows Cheney did have spurious conversations with the free ride contract kids. The GOP is stopped from removing 20,000 citizen's right to vote in Ohio. First time voters weigh in on why they are going to the polls this election. Soldier's votes and why they are so crucial this election year.

You've probably heard of Al-Qaqaa, the weapon's site where, by some estimates, 377 tons of explosives disappeared. The administration has apparently known about this for some time and ha, like a lot of things, neglected to tell us. But Rudy Giuliani has no problem blaming the troops for this event instead of, well, the administration who planned the invasion perhaps? Gen. Wesley Clark rebutts that slimey line of argument as well as taking a shot at Bush by using his own comments against him (Kerry had done to same to the false president).

So, the bad news for Bush continues to pour in, which one journalist assesses could only mean a Kerry victory, if people actually voted about the issues instead of party loyalty. FDR's grandson reminds people what a War President actually is. The Bush campaign is told to stop using a song at their rallies by the songwriter.

Two tools to figure out how you actually lean politically. One by the Christian Science Monitor. The other by AOL/Time which I had linked previously.