Bush is a Four-Letter Word

It offends me that this lying, smug, dishonest and hateful little twit may just actually get elected president by fiat instead of by appointment as he was last time. To see half this country in polls approves of the things he does and want more of it sickens me. I have not seen one genuine, heartfelt speech, post, story or diatribe from someone that doesn't contain some jingoist BS as to why Bush is good for America. Seriously, I just have not come across even one.

It offends me that a gang of men who either refused to serve or did so in carefully planned units that would never go into combat are so ready to commit troops to a conflict based on bad intel and nothing more than some need to avenge a man who never wanted to invade Iraq in the first place. As of late they cast blame on the troops for this exercise in futility being poorly planned, equipped and coordinated.

It offends me that we have been led to believe that teaching kids to a standardized test is more effective than actually teaching them how to learn, and then refuse to pay for said testing mandates. Or that this guy wants women to lose access to birth control and that we are supposed to believe racism doesn't exist because ol' Boy can't see it from the porch of his ranch in Crawford.

It offends me that, when finally forced to, Bush created a Department of Homeland Security that, instead of trying to protect the country, it works to treat us all like terrorists. The same concept is encoded in law in the PATRIOT Act. Such a shameful abuse of power and civil rights would have never made the books if not for our trust and faith that our nation's leader would do what is right for America, not set the plan for a restrictive police state.

It offends me that Christianity's poster boy is this hateful, spiteful, un-recovered substance abuser that is part of some extremist fringe element that tells us to raze the Earth's resources because the Rapture is coming any day now. Whatever happened to caring, loving Christians? I know there are many in my family and I see them in churches across the country. Why aren't they revolting against this portrayal of their religion as one of hate, as Muslims across the world are waking up to realize their fundamentalists have done to Islam? Our environment is being savaged based on this line of irrationality that we might as well kill the planet because the end is near. We are tying religion to the government because of these people, and paying predominantly Protestant groups with federal funds with a token synagoue or two mixed in to make it look good. We are removing civil rights because they can't stand to hate differences. Today the target is abortion and gay relationships. Tomorrow it could be the right to be Catholic or to marry a person of another race. These are the extremists behind George Bush.

These are the people whose policies you endorse when you vote for him. Many of these feelings he believes himself. When you choose Bush you choose hate and deceit and contempt for the majority of Americans. If you want to be in step with the KKK, a government that crushes dissent and uses the IRS to punish those who would complain that policies do not work in the nation's best interests (more here on the latter story), doctors who sterilize women against their will, and those who work to take away people's civil rights, up to and including voting, then go ahead and vote Bush. Otherwise wake up, quit shouting slogans, think for a change, and realize what policies you are endorsing.

Make sure your vote counts. Go here and make sure you have the right polling place if you are not sure. I really wish you will vote for Kerry; but if you do not, don't be surprised at the world of diminished rights and increased danger you have helped create. Either help us all get America back on track or approve the pseudo-Christian version of Al Qaeda punish women, minorities, atheists, non-Christians and any other non-WASPs at home; while deceiving, ill-preparing, ill-supplying, and sacrificing our nation's armed forces in conflicts brought about by our hate-filled leader. You can either be a proud American or an attempted murderer, lyncher, and zealot for those who worship a god I was never taught to believe in at church. That's all I've got. You know what to do.