A mandate to repress

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Well, it is already starting. The Bush junta is preparing to violate state's rights and tell Oregon what it can do with it's voter approved euthanasia law. And so much for Bush's hollow words to work for all Americans. Not that any Democrat bought that crap. He's moving to bankrupt - at the least endanger - Social Security (given, of course, his plan tied with his economic shortcomings), re-introduce an un-Constitutional gay marriage ban and start kicking civil rights in the teeth, pack the Supreme Court with ultra-conservatives, and probably reinstitute lynching if he thinks it will help him in the mid-term elections.

More on the conservative agenda and the harm it will bring to the average American. Helen Thomas on the Iraq war and recent discoveries, many just plain disturbing. Conservative radio goons are already throwing racism out into the airwaves. I bet Michael Powell has no plan to silence them for obscenities; which I imagine sounds as weird to you as it does to me.

And then there's that frightening incident with the F-16 shooting up a schoolhouse. Hopefully they get to the bottom of that.

Slate covers why terrorism, not values, was the driver for this election. If that is true, then bear with me a moment. Some exit polls (I know, we'll get to that too) said 19% of voters thought terrorism was the most important concern to them. Of that group, 86% voted for Bush. Now, where were these voters? Not in any place affected by 9/11, that's where.

Going by actual votes (found here but go wherever makes you feel good), Washington D.C. voted for Kerry at 90%. Arlington County, VA (where the Pentagon is) went for Kerry/Edwards at 68% to 31% for Bush. New York state went for Kerry at 58%, 40% for Bush. More distinctly, when you look at the New York City boroughs, they went for Kerry at anywhere from 71-84%, the higher end including Manhattan at 82%. The closest Bush got was Pennsylvania at 48% with 51% going to Kerry. Look, the places Bush has been pimping to scare America into voting for him did not want him in office. Is any of this making sense to you people?

Then again, most Bush voters (up to 3/4ths of them) still believe Saddam was tied to 9/11 and al-Qaeda. They are probably best symbolized by this idiot, who probably would string me up the nearest tree for not being white enough for his tastes. That, and I don't listen to country music. To contrast that hate, I give you F*** the South. Yes, it's as offensive as you can imagine. But beyond words come the Republican tire slashers. Beyond that may come the hateful attacks similar to those now rising in the Netherlands.

More from devout Christians sickened with the way their religion has been stolen. And news flash for ya, Massachusetts leads the nation in actual family values (aka less divorce, better education/income/jobs/quality of life, higher marriage age, and lower birthrates than, say, the entire South).

I'm probably as tired of this red state/blue state crap as you are, but let's delve into it some more. There's a lot of chatter about secession amongst liberal minded folks, and aside from this waste of genetic wonder who thinks the GOP all-white party will be just fine, there's data suggesting that us more progressive minded types are actually subsidizing the hate and hijacked Christianity of these fear sheep. That, and apparently the dumbest of Americans voted for Bush. Yeah, like THAT surprised you.

All said, some Americans are ready to go live abroad. Some of the remaining Democratic lawmakers and others have decided to keep fighting. As for the secession crowd, there's the Cascadia folks in the Northwest and I suspect a Bizarro World version of the Hartford Convention can't be too far off. Slate checks to see whether any of this is legal. To be honest, for the first time in my life, I could see the grand experiment failing if Hate Boy keeps pushing things too far.

While damn near the entire planet wanted Kerry to win, it appears that maybe not as much of the US wanted Bush as we have been told. Now, I know this stinks of conspiracy theories but when it comes to electronic voting, not everything adds up, to the point where even Pravda wonders what happened. Now, how proud does that make you? That goes for exit polls (even Dick Morris agrees something smells wrong), to irregularities in Ohio, New Mexico (more), Florida, North Carolina, with rundown summaries here, here, and here of other states too. Read into that all you will I suppose; we're still stuck with Gomer in charge.

But not all is bad news. Ashcroft resigned and Arafat is about to find out how pissed Allah gets when you blow up children in his name. Let that be a warning to some of you warmongers.