A graceful exit

Kerry saw the popular vote not going his way and instead of getting into a situation where non-elected curmudgeons decided an election again, he choose to conceed the race. Both he and Edwards gracefully and with dignity ended the race, stepping out of the way so the nation could throw itself in front of a bus without impedence. I don't have to like the results of the race, but I can approve of the class acts these two have been.

If you were planning of hightailing out of the Theocracy of America, Canada doesn't want us.

What's more, there is a lot of call for reform in the Democratic Party. Which, given the election results, couldn't hurt. I'd start with the text of John Edward's lead-in speech today and the still-relevant parts of James Carville's "Had Enough?". And, strange though it may seem, Howard Dean of all people sent his supporters the small-but-accurate silver lining in this whole debacle.

Basically, I've gotten mail from Republicans gloating and one choice piece of crap wishing my brother dead in Iraq to "set me straight" for not backing Bush. And I've already told you of how these hateful types scared my mother into a choice she wasn't willing to make. Compassionate conservatives my butt.

Granted, there are Republicans who aren't racists, suppressors of civil liberties, cowards, and doctors who sterilize women against their will (OK's new senator). Some are concerned about their hunting rifles, environmental conservation, and fiscal responsibilty with restrictions on how far the government's reach should go. You know what? It's time for them to take their party back too. There's a lot of talk on how the administration is going to reach out to those who voted against it. I haven't seen that for four years, I doubt I'll be holding my breath waiting for it now. If you voted for Bush, make sure he keeps his word to you. If you voted for Kerry or someone else, do what you can to keep your chin up and work to not just stand by and let things get worse. Hope you guys don't live to regret your smug grins.

On the lighter side, two views from The Onion, a satirical one about the election and one "shades of the future" one courtesy of Leslie.