Peace Sells...apologies to Megadeth

What do you mean global warming exists? City-sized glaciers break off Antarctica all the time.

What do you mean we are winning the War on Drugs? A whole 16% percent of allocated federal funds doesn't go to graft and corruption.

What do you mean the GOP isn't about education? We throw millions of dollars at teaching abstinence and that sex is dirty and that kids are filthy for wanting it.

What do you mean freedom of the press? The only place you can taunt the Bushites are online Chevy ads made by visitors. (Hell, this one is fun too.)

What do you mean FAUXNews doesn't tell the story? They never use sex to get a completely unrelated point across.

What do you mean compassionate conservatism doesn't work? Look at all the people who get to suffer the Lord's wrath of congenital diseases instead of being cured by stem cells which could instead become unwanted children.

What do you mean Bush doesn't contribute to the world? Look at all the screwups he's left for future presidents to clean up.