Border Blues

So, immigration has come up a lot in the news lately. I wanted to take a spin around the block and confront the issue a bit. By all rights, what I hear from conservative talk radio (yeah, I can take it in very small 10 minutes or less doses) is a free pass for every Republican Racist to get out the sheets and blame immigrants from everything from toppling Fortune 500 businesses (ever see an illiterate migrant take a CEO job from someone?) to carrying bombs for al-Qaeda (how many Mexican Muslims are there?) to carrying diseases (well, if US pharmabusiness wasn't too busy price gouging, maybe those actually ill would be able to be cured?). In short, the KKK might as well be running a membership drive. Indeed, radio idiot Michael Savage has recommended that people run through the streets burning Mexican flags. Next thing you know, Scott McClellan will be blaming them for 9/11. More on the blame game in a bit.

In any case, NPR has done a great job collecting data on this, including results of a recent Pew poll. More info on the poll from the source, including a breakdown on who the immigrants are. An AP/Ipsos poll shows similar results.

Molly Ivins gives her take on the issue. And here's a view from an employer in southern California.

Truth is, Bush is almost on to something here. Or at least, more so than the racists he calls his base. Oh well, you don't get points for trying.

The Minutemen are gearing up to go back to terrorizing illegal immigrants in the name of white power or Jesus or some other made up crap. And just in time for this potential mayhem is the Border Film Project. Give it a look-see.

Global warming is in the news, but not as part of an administration goal. Here's Time magazine front story for this past week. You've been warned.

Oh yeah, in a similar vein, another story on those home-built Chevy/Apprentice ads.

One more thing, for you fools who keep telling me to take it easy on McCain. I invite you to look here and look at the whole interview in question here. What a shill.