I learned something from the newspaper

All this talk of immigration lately has bubbled forth a piece of shadowy American history I was unaware of. At least, I didn't know the actual scope of this particular issue.

As reported in yesterday's USA Today, during the Great Depression, hundreds of thousands of Mexicans and Mexican-American citizens were sent to Mexico just so whites could have job preference. In the words of one LA official of the time, “It is a question of pigment, not a question of citizenship or right.” Sounds pretty much like most House Repugnantcans these days.

Schools in many states have taken to banning flags as these symbols are being used for divisive purposes. Gee, aren't you imbeciles supposed to be EDUCATING children. Wait, maybe they are. Bushites are keen on supressing free speech so this may be an opportunity to teach the children that free speech is dead in this nation.

In other news, the same paper speaks about how Massachusetts and other states are looking for ways to < href="http://www.usatoday.com/printedition/money/20060405/universal.art.htm" target="_blank">insure their populations. You know, since the feds don't seem to give a damn about the problem. Massachusetts has passed a law that will < href="http://www.usatoday.com/printedition/money/20060405/1b_masshealth05.art.htm" target="_blank">require that all its citizens be covered. The proposed plans of other states to provide health coverage is also discussed.