Scenes from the past week

The major league baseball season started last week, and a couple images come to mind.

First, we have Bush throwing the first pitch for the Cincinnati Reds:

The Reds went on to lose to the Cubs, 16-7, giving up 5 runs in the top of the 1st inning. Yes, Bush's stench of failure touches everything he does.

Next we have the sad case of Barry Bonds. Sad as in pathetic, not endearing. Here, we have a San Diego fan expressing to Barry what will likely be a common refrain.

It couldn't happen to a slimier jerk.

Speaking of jerks, here's a pic of a former Tom Delay supporter giving up the fight, click for accompanying story.

The military keeps screwing up notifying families of those killed in Iraq. The rich are getting richer. McCain keeps sucking up to the Bushes. Climate scientists are being silenced by the Bushites.

One last thing. Go watch this video. It's a guy who crashed a Bush rally to tell Shrub what he thinks of him.