Pick a side

So, I was catching up on news and found that weasely jerk Raj Bhakta, of Trump's Apprentice fame, is running for Congress as a Republican. Which, given his smug demeanor and lack of knowledge of reality, is really about all he could run as. And yes, I have watched a few seasons of the show off and on, mostly thanks to Leslie, who watches TV as time filler when doing after hour's work.

Anyways, being someone famous for only being on TV (hmm, I suppose this qualifies Paris Hilton for the GOP?), I was wondering who else the Party of Bigots is running. Oh yeah, Katherine Harris. You know, the most pancake make-up slathered wench since Tammy Fae Baker and willing tool of the plot to force Bush into power.

So, aside from Hillary and most of the Dems who sold out to Bush in some way, shape, or form (oh, hi Lieberman!), who are the Democrats throwing into the fray this year? Oh yeah, Iraq war vets who, by way more than a little margin, have chosen to run as Democrats against Bush, and against the war. You can find a list of them, and all veteran candidates, at Band of Brothers 2006 and at Fighting Dems.

For more info on the trend, read this article.