Oh say can you see....

Well, for those who haven't yet given up on me, I'll try to not let a month go by between posts again.

Between work and pleasure I've been through a few stops in Australia, Oralando and east coastal Florida, Juneau, and spent a few days north of Phoenix. Basically, I've been gone a lot. Which doesn't leave me an excuse as to why I haven't posted, just a reason. I should have Aussie trip pics up soon and I'll link to those when I do.

For now those, some notes concerning the Fourth of July and such. No, I'm not going to go into conservative efforts to ban flag burning (though I will mention that Bush is a world class flag desecrator himself and should be first in line for any potential prosecution the GOP thinks it can pass).

Actually, just figured I'd pass some notes concerning how to properly respect and fly a US flag.

I'd also point you to a list of links called the Geek Guide to Fireworks. One fun link is to a Java fireworks display.

More posts on the way. I hope. Have a good weekend.