Independence Day

Happy Fourth of July. My browser crashed and I lost my links, so I'm pretty sure you don't mind the abbreviated post.

I was thinking about how far we've come to a more repressive union since Bush took office. Late last week the Supreme Court said the executive branch had gone too far in sending supposed terrorists to Guantanamo Bay and incarcerating them there on no charges and only the likelihood of a military tribunal. In essense, you may even approve of why they were doing it, but not the way they were going about it. Alberto Gonzales jumps on the air talking about how this "hampers" the "War on Terror."

My only question is this: Do Bush and his cabal even care about preserving democracy, or are they too busy trying to rack up the terrorist body count to give a damn? I only ask because I think they may have lost sight of the big picture here.

The GOP is siding with big business to carve up the internet, kinda like how you now have basic and premium cable. Google has a nice page devoted to the concept of Net Neutrality. Read it and get informed before the corporate GOP goons take away your internet access.

Speaking of GOP types, they are usually the ones (along with Lieberman) talking about how violent video games are. Well, there's now a game based on the Left Behind fundamentalist Rapture mastubatory joy ride book series. In it, you can either: a) hunt UN peacekeepers and shoot them, or b) kill people who became Christians only because God scared the dickens out of them with the Rapture. Either way, GOD COMMANDS YOU TO KILL! So far, not a peep from those who scream themselves into a lather each time a Grand Theft Auto or Tekken game comes out.

Being Independence Day, let's check on the British. What do they think of us? Well, apparently they are tired of our crap. Too rude, too vulgar, too prone to dragging them into wars. And other stuff. Read the article.