Catching up (News of the kakistocracy)

I've got a lot of tabs open on my browser and, frankly, some of it is out of date and dull. Those we'll close. The rest we'll miss-mash together for this post.

Jack Cafferty is fun to watch. I don't always agree with him, though I do more and more lately, but watching him call out our idiots in charge is entertaining. Here's a link of Jack taking an oil exec to task for saying "energy independence is going too far." He's had other good rips too. Crooks and Liars carries most of them.

The war in Iraq is causing costs of military equipment to triple. That must be that economic jump Bush keeps talking about.

The LAPD is working on unmanned spy drones to police their streets. Something ominous about this trend....

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has an article on how the GOP stole the 2004 election. I've been tracking this so a lot of it is familiar, but don't let that stop you from reading as I don't post most of those stories.

Roger Ebert covers Gore covering global warming. I haven't seen the movie yet, but am reading the book.

Bush's policy advisor would like to jail doctors who perform abortions. Compassionate conservatism at work again.

Listen to AOL refuse to let a customer cancel his account. Typical bastard behavior from AO-Hell.

The state of Georgia is trying to circumvent the separation of Church and State. In retrospect, letting the South leave the Union might have been the better idea, dontcha think?

McCain keeps kissing Bush's ass. It's not news, really, but I still want to discourage those of you who think the man still has a soul. He doesn't; go find an actual moderate Republican to lather yourself over if you can't bring yourself to vote for a Democrat.

At HuffPo, a discussion on the steps to fascism the Bushites have taken us on thus far.

I learned a new word this week: kakistocracy. Basically, it means rule by the most incompetent and least principled. Sound familiar?