
After receiving tons of spam comments, I turned up the junk filtering to a severe level. Turns out that works great as a spam filter tool but it doesn't let any of you post comments. So I've lowered the severity and turned on a "you must have e-mail to register as a commenter" thingy.

Let me know if that doesn't work.

Incidentally, I didn't know this until Stacy Whitman let me know about it. Everyone who knows her say "hi!" as she's been off in the wilds of the NorthWest working for Wizards of the Coast.

Seeing as I probably contribute half a percentage point to their bottom line with all the gaming crap I buy, I find her job to be really cool. Then again, mine keeps sending me to the Caribbean so I'm not exactly whining as much as respectfully admiring.

In any event, check out her professional LJ here. And yes, I'll pull it down if I'm asked to so don't go crazy with that people.

So yeah, two things. One, let me know if the comments work. Two, keep me on my toes. I know the main site still is dead linked to a fair-thee-well and the message board has cobwebs the size of small trucks.

And I'm really behind on getting pics uploaded.

And about ten other things I haven't done. And yeah Jacinta, I know I still haven't linked your gallery yet.

Gah. Well, at least I'm home long enough to know what needs done. Maybe I'll jump on some of that this weekend.

Have a good one.