Even pigs have more compassion

He Be Strokin'

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe God does want a Republican majority in the Senate.


While anyone suffering a stroke is a tragic event, how fucking hilarious would it be if the Democrats lost control of the Senate right before they were to assume power? I'd laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh...

Update: His staff is now saying no stroke. Stay tuned to see if this is really nothing or if the Democrat politburo is pulling a Fidel Castro.

Compassionate conservative blogging over Tim Johnson's surgery

A Democratic Senator goes into brain surgery and the Repugnican'ts starting salivating about taking over the Senate in a back-handed manuever; which, admittedly, is about the only chance they have these days.

Plus, a San Franscisco Chronicle article on the harsh reality of the Iraq debacle.

Bonus: a man banned from an airplane for wearing this shirt: