Enter Obama

Barack Obama has announced that he is exploring the idea of running for President. Now, personally, I wish the guy would take some more time, get some experience and then run. That said, seeing as he's probably the only person that could stop Hillary Clinton from getting the nomination (sorry Edwards), it may just be that he should run.

Not that it is going to be easy for him. Yahoo! applies his image to links to stories about bin-Laden. Wolf Blitzer at CNN does the same damn thing. More here.

Conservatives are on the attack as well, comparing his style of dress to Iranian President Ahmedinejad and pointing out his Muslim heritage. They pick on his middle name, "Hussein," as if he is somehow tied to Saddam Hussein somehow. It may just be that the conservatives just can't say anything more complicated than "Bush." I don't know. Either way, it is cheap, antagonistic, and likely racially motivated. "A black man with a Muslim connection! Oh no!"

And just for fun, folks are picking on his "Dumbo" ears.

Personally, it smacks of jealousy and cheap shots.

Meanwhile FOX affiliates tries to link Obama with sex offenders.

Since he's getting hit from the right wingers, you figured he'd get help from the left. Not so. Traditional black American groups are giving him the cold shoulder too.

That said, Obama has been honest about his past and realistically concerned for his and his family's safety. He knows the GOP stalwarts are liable to gun him down if it looks like he may be able to order the white man around some day.

Frigging racists. I swear, it is like living with the Neanderthals in charge.