Maybe not the mark of the devil, but definitely that of buttmunchers

One more thing before I head to bed.

You know that damned Visa Check Card commercial, the one where one guy with a few bucks in his pocket totally destroys the order of a lunch line?

Yeah, does that piss you off as much as it does me?

I mean, I like spending cash. One, I know immediately how much of it I have. Two, I'm not creating a paper trail that I, or the FBI or GOP, has to follow in order to figure out my finances. If I buy a cup of coffee, I damn well better be able to cover - and not get any flack about - it with a few bills. It is called being responsible and I do so little of it as it is that I'd like to be encouraged to do so, not get labelled as a Luddite.

So piss off Visa. If my money isn't any good to you, why do you keep asking me to pay my balance with cash?