I want my Wii, but not that bad

So, Leslie got me some Target gift cards to go buy a Wii for Christmas. She feels like crap about it but I don't blame her; the damn things are nigh impossible to find.

We spent a lot of time looking for one on the way back to Vegas after Christmas (special shout outs to you asshats in Davenport and Kansas City who were such unhelpful pricks). Anyway, about 10 states later, multiple under-10 minute misses and still no Wii, I'm almost reconciled to not getting one.

Target has been assholes. You doubt me? You should see my horrifically banal and insulting form letter from when I complained about a couple incidents with their "customer service-oriented" staff. Yeah, I know they're getting hassled, but they get PAID to get asked "Where's my damn Wii?" by hundreds of people a day. I have things I don't like about my job too; I just don't lash out at customers when those things get to me.

Getting to my point: some lady died yesterday after participating in some stupid radio contest called "Hold your wee for a Wii." Basically, drink until you have to pee. Last one clenching their legs together wins or something.

So yeah, I learned two things today, one of which I probably didn't need a reminder of. One, I really don't need a gaming console THAT bad. Two, when you enter a game set up by morning radio disc jockeys, you've already lost a battle of wits.